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- Black Flag's going through; The Dead Kennedys are going through... the independent labels are all swapping records.
Jangan harapkan orang lain untuk menangani masalah mu - They got me out of the pain The Screamers were one of the most important influences on Dead Kennedys.
Setelah ada punk dan kemudian ada punk yang lebih ekstrim dan orang menyebutnya hardcore - The Dead Kennedys also got tagged with that hardcore punk thing. Most people'd concur that it was kick started by the appearance of The Damned.
Mereka punya selera humor seperti kebanyakan orang tapi tidak ditunjukkan di dalam band - The song "The End of the Day" contains a brief sample from the Dead Kennedys song "Nazi Punks Fuck Off."
Dead Kennedys lalu menulis sebuah lagu untuk merespons kesalahan pandangan dari elemen tersebut, lagu tersebut mereka beri judul "Nazi Punks Fuck Off!". - In June 1979, Biafra co-founded the record label Alternative Tentacles, with which the Dead Kennedys released their first single, "California über Alles".
Pada bulan Juni tahun 1979, Dead Kennedys mengeluarkan single pertama mereka yang berjudul "California über Alles", melalui label Alternative Tentacles.